• Switch off the lights when they are not in use
  • Install LED lights or other energy-saving alternative light bulb solutions
  • Think Before You Print and make it a habit to print on both sides of paper whenever feasible
  • Set up paper tray next to the photocopier/ printer to reuse 1 sided printed papers
  • Reuse paper that has been printed one sided for note-taking, drafts, message-taking or printing etc.
  • Unplug office equipment or create an "after hour and weekend" control setting to conserve more energy after work hours and over the weekend - see the difference on your electricity bill
  • Refill or recycle toner and ink cartridges and buy remanufactured ones - you could reduce a heap of concentrated toxins into landfill
  • Use your own mug to reduce disposable plastic water bottles
  • Switch off your computer when not in use. Remember, screen savers DO NOT save energy
  • Choose an Energy Saving air conditioner, look for SIRIM Eco Label or any other environment label - it could cut down your electricity bills
  • Place recycling bins in accessible, high-traffic areas to encourage zero waste
  • Recycle papers, aluminium cans, glass bottles and even e-waste like your old cell phone or charger
  • Send to the local recycling centre or engage a licensed recyclable waste collector
  • Use natural daytime light instead of electrical lighting
  • Ensure sufficient air exchange through good ventilation & air circulation. It is important that indoor air pollutants can escape from the building.
  • Keep office temperature between 23°C - 25°C for a green office
  • Brighten your office atmosphere as well as removing common toxins from indoor environments and adding oxygen to stale air with office plants
  • Water your plant early morning before the temperatures begin to rise or late afternoon to reduce evaporation & avoid fungal diseases.