Penang Green Agenda
Penang State Government has always strived to realize the vision of making Penang a “Cleaner, Greener, Safer, Healthier, and Happier” state. In response to the global climate change issues and evolving paradigm of sustainable development, Penang State Economic Planning Unit, Penang Green Council, and Penang Institute mooted Penang Green Agenda.
Penang Green Agenda will take on technical experts and scientists to look into sustainability aspects of the Penang State, including developing sustainability indicators. We will conduct a scenario analysis to assess the impacts of environmental issues on Penang State’s sustainability. The agenda will also engage all stakeholders and people of Penang to identify and combat the current and future environmental challenges of the state, proposing feasible solutions.
By 2030, Penang aspires to be the greenest state in Malaysia driven by a green economy, innovative governance with 4P partnerships (Public, private, people, professional) and sustainability-led development agenda. By 2050, Penang will be a high income, caring, inclusive, low carbon and resilient state that emphasises the integrity of its people and environment, including enriching and restoring the health of its rich cultural and natural ecosystems.
To formulate strategies which helps to meet future environmental challenges in Penang while incorporating United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
To adapt and build resilient community in Penang by 2030.
Process Of PGA

Timeline Of PGA


For further details, please contact us at 04-250 3322 or email to