Stakeholder Consultation

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The stakeholder consultation was formulated to provide a strategic and enviable platform to convene the experts together with the stakeholders to take stock of current green initiatives and to recommend further improvements where implementation can be strengthened by applying a people-centric approach to solve the plastic pollution problems in close collaboration with the stakeholders and potential partners in Malaysia. It provides a perfect opportunity for stakeholders to connect and voice out their creative ideas on what they envisage for 2020 and years to come.


To discuss a collaboration to document a case study on a current 3R pilot project initiative on Penang state in cooperation with local government to demonstrate a good practice of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) interventions and implementation of circular economy solutions from 2020 onwards.

To receive updates on Penang’s current initiatives (community and commercial sectors) after implementation of the Waste Segregation at Source (WSAS) policy.

To nominate the project’s implementation partners and stakeholders in Penang.

To explore opportunities for collaboration among other initiatives and partners.

Learn more about the stakeholder consultation & previous session

SEA Circular Website | Previous Session