Category: <span>Communication & Marketing</span>

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PGC Celebrates Earth Day 2023 Press conference

Speech by YB Phee Boon Poh, Penang State EXCO for Environment and Welfare cum Vice-Chairman of Penang Green Counci on 14th March 2023 at Level 53, Komtar: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 22nd April is our Earth Day, Earth Day celebration is not something new, the world has been celebrating Earth Day since 1970. In fact,...


Press Statement for WED Repaint Mother Nature Colouring & Drawing Contest

Let’s ‘Repaint Mother Nature’ with PGC today! Show us your creativity kids! Penang Green Council is organising a colouring and drawing contest for kids aged 7-12 years old residing in Penang to celebrate World Environment Day 2021! With the themes “Reducing Waste” & “Preserving Biodiversity”, this ‘Repaint Mother Nature’ Colouring & Drawing Contest aims to encourage children to explore and exercise...


Press statement by Ms. Josephine Tan, General Manager of Penang Green Council

Press statement by Ms Josephine Tan, General Manager of Penang Green Council on 9th April 2021 regarding Environment Minister, YB Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man’s statement on 6th April 2021. Penang Green Council is disappointed with the statement made by Environment Minister, YB Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man claiming that Malaysia will not be involved in the upcoming virtual...