A Battle of the Penang Green Idols, Stay Tuned!

Press release by Ms Josephine Tan, General Manager of Penang Green Council for Penang Green Idol Tournament 2021 on 2 Novermber 2021

This year, we are bringing back the green idols as one of the gimmicks for Penang Green Council’s 10th year anniversary celebration. Our former Green Idol champions and participants of Penang Green Idol (PGI) 2015-2019 will battle it out head-to-head in three rounds of competition – quiz, debate and storytelling performance.

Only the best 4 teams after the quiz will advance to the next round. The theme of the tournament – “Take the Lead” sets out to discover talents and shape leadership within every youth in environmental advocation. The tournament will be covering various environmental topics such as waste, water, climate change, biodiversity, etc.

PGI was an annual competition that prompts students to share their views on dire environment issues. Since 2015 to 2019, we aimed to effectively coach our future generation on preserving Mother Earth by sowing the seed of environmentalism in their young minds. Comprises of different types of competitions conducted yearly, PGI prompts students to share their views on dire environment issues. United Nation’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration encourages nations to in their own ways and capacity prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of our ecosystem in the coming decade. Our future is in the hands of our youths, we must ensure they are equipped and empowered to lead the change that will build a better world.

The Champion team will take home RM3,000 cash prize + certificate of participation and the Most Popular Green Idol will take home RM500 cash prize + certification of participation. Follow PGC’s Facebook page to watch weekly videos of participants competing and vote for your favourite idol (based on FB likes).

Join us LIVE on 27th November 2021 as we will reveal who will be the Champion and the Most Popular Green Idol! Exciting lucky draw of eco products and healthy snacks worth more than Rm700 will be up for grabs.

Special thanks to our tournament sponsors – Menara Kerjaya Fasteners Sdn Bhd and Fides Certification (M) Sdn, Broadcasting partner – Atlantic by Motion In Style and lucky draw gifts sponsors – Signature Market, Owl Zero Waste Grocer Penang and Nak.Ed Farm.