Press Conference of “Fuyoh! Once Upon A Time”

Speech by State Assemblyman for Machang Bubok cum Director of Penang Green Council, YB Lee Khai Loon at Hin Bus Depot on 19th May 2022.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Today, I would like to invite everyone to join us in the upcoming event in June called “Fuyoh! Once Upon a Time” organised by Penang Green Council. This is an environmental bazaar for everyone to have fun and learn about our environment in conjunction with World Environment Day in June.

Fuyoh! carries the meaning of “Wow”, which also represents a friendly way for us to engage public interest especially towards environmental issues. This is a platform for local communities, businesses and organisations to introduce and promote sustainable living and practices. Through interactive activities and idea showcase, we aim to connect our local communities and instil the 3Rs practice onto any working partners and alliances involved such as organisers, exhibitors, suppliers, vendors, visitors

Ladies and gentlemen,

Why do we need to live sustainably in harmony with nature? As you all know, among the stunning variety of worlds in our solar system, only Earth is known to host life. Therefore, it is our duty to keep the Earth healthy and resourceful for our children.

In fact, the State Government established Penang Green Council (PGC) since 2011 to form a formidable, united force that strives “to enable, empower, and enrich all stakeholders in practising sustainable development that protects the environment and quality of life.” It is PGC’s vision to act as the central hub harnessing green technology and supporting holistic green initiatives to achieve sustainable and resilient Penang.

Through Fuyoh!,Penang Green Council is going to enlighten people from all walks of life to be a part of a sustainable society by bringing transformative changes through our daily choices. The 3 main elements in Fuyoh! are the Past, Present, and the Future. Let’s go back to the past with us in Fuyoh! where we conserve the good olden days with minimum trash and wastage without single-use plastic.

Then, time travel as Fuyoh! will also highlight and acknowledge our present as the most important generation where the Earth shows us environmental signals like global warming and pollutions, which means now is also the most crucial decade for us to make a change.

As we leap forward to the Future, we will feature the world where strong beliefs that positive change could make a difference when we practice sustainable living lifestyle. How do you think the world would be in the future? It really depends on how we treat our world now. We strongly believe that embracing the future with resiliency is the key for a better environment. That is why we should take actions NOW.

As we all know, the Penang State Government made history in 2011 in its green initiatives by implementing the “No Free Plastic Bag Every Day” policy. This transformed the habits of both businesses and citizens to the point of reducing at least 33 million plastic bags since the birth of “no plastic bag” policy in 2009. We are proud to say that this campaign will be continued to uphold the principle of reducing plastic wastes sent to the Pulau Burung landfill.

Besides, the State has also launched a project called Trash-Free Penang to work with KADUN on Waste Segregation at Source & 4Rs Programme. Our target is to ensure continuity of waste segregation at households and to encourage the 4Rs lifestyle amongst local communities.

We believe that education is one of the key for human’s behavioural change after receiving positive results after 10 years of implementing the policy and education campaigns. Aligning with Penang2030 vision to build a A Family- Focused, Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation, we hope that everyone can be a part of our effort and contribute in any possible ways to achieve the same vision for Penang State.

All these projects and programs designed are specific and support our goals to protect our environment and create a better sustainable world for our children. So, we are looking forward to see you all on 4th June here at Hin Bus Depot. Spread this around and don’t forget to bring your family and friends along to enjoy a meaningful day with us!

Have a great day and thank you very much! 

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